dear body.

i was going to post this on the broke and nameless blog.
but i saw this as more of a personal thing, and if you guys would like to follow suit…
please do πŸ™‚
this is a letter to my body in all its kayla-ish glory.

dear hair,
im so so sorry, that i probably wont ever let you grow out and that i dye you almost every week..its just that your hair says a lot about you, and i just really dont like plain hair. but i love you and i thank you for staying on my head.

dear face,
eyes: you’re are so pretty, and im sorry for covering you in make-up but i just want everyone to see how amazing you are, i want you guys to stand out. im sorry i dont wear my glasses and sometimes i poke you on accident, but i appreciate you.
nose:you’re small and pointy like a bear’s nose, but you’re cute and help make funny faces that allow me to squinch you, sorry for poking a hole in you but it was for us and you look a lot more becoming with it.
mouth: you’re also kinda small, but you help me smile and talk and make more funny faces and plus i can well….you know, kiss πŸ™‚ and that feels really nice.
face, i love you even though you’re so round.

dear torso,
you’re so short, but maybe cuz im short and that would make a lot of sense huh?
i agree.
boobs:you’re so huge, and i can never find shirts that fit right, without paying an arm and a leg for them, but you guys sit up and make nice pillows, so ive heard πŸ™‚
tummy: oh tummy, MY tummy .. you’ve gotten a tad bit pudgy over the years, but you’re soft and its not like you’re huge, so i love you because we’ve been through so much and you havent fallen off yet, so thats a plus πŸ™‚

dear bottom half,
donk: *sings my booty got swag* you’re so big and make it terribly hard to find pants that fit correctly, because they fit but never in the waist! curse you small waist! but yes donkito you get a lot of attention and i guess thats good.
legs: you’re so short and stubby, but you’re my form of transportation sometimes and sometimes skin you up because im so damn clumsy, but im sorry for the bumps and bruises.
feet: you’re small, shoes cost less, thank you πŸ™‚

my curves: although i tend to hate you from time to time, you make me feel so womanly, you are the essence of a woman and sometimes guys arent intimidated by you so they approach and that just proves my point. curves make me a woman, even when i feel like less of a woman and curves i thank you in a way you could never imagine, plus my body is perfectly proportional and no one wants to be lop sided πŸ™‚

so body..
i wrote this letter to say this, that even though i may pick at you and scrape you and poke at you and talk about you, you’re the only body ive got and you’re mine for a reason and i should start treating you better and respecting you more, i really do love you even when im not acting like it. i hope you forgive me and understand that its just a phase that every woman goes through.

with all my love,
kayla πŸ™‚

p.s. body, im hungry… will you feed me?

so anyways…
a body is a body is a body.
everyone has one, be it short, tall, skinny, fat or whatever.
respect it because its the only one you got, you could be a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater, but if you cant love yourself no one else will.
i know this personally, because i tend to hate my body with a passion, most days, sometimes i cant help it. i know i need to love my body for what it is, not what i wish it would be.

swear i just spilled my heart out in a blog..
have a good day guys, i love you all πŸ™‚

have you guys written a letter to your body today?

~ by kaylabby on August 5, 2009.

One Response to “dear body.”

  1. OMG! i def gotta write a letter to my body. got alot to say to it.
    this was so beautiful and creative my love.

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